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Catastrophic Injury

Our team of lawyers have the experience to help you get the settlement you deserve for your catastrophic injury. Catastrophic injuries can be classified as, physical injury or illness that is regarded as extreme, has a considerable impact on the victim of the injury or illness, physically and emotionally impact the injured’s quality of life. Note that the injury may not always be permanent but could take months or years to heal.

Over 45 Years of Experience with Catastrophic Injury Cases

The lawyers at Singer Kwinter have been helping clients with catastrophic injury for over 45 years. We have obtained large settlements by proving that there had been a catastrophic impairment to our clients.

Catastrophic Impairment Decision at the License Appeal Tribunal

$7 Million Settlement for Ski Accident Victim

David slays Goliath after 12 year quest (Diving Accident)

Our team of legal experts can help
with Catastrophic Injury Cases